MARINE GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS- AN INTRODUCTION Marine geology and geophysics are clinical fields which are concerned with fixing the mysteries of the seafloor and Earth's indoors. Marine geologists, like all geologists, are searching to recognize the approaches and records of the strong Earth, but their strategies vary from geologists who work on land because they have a look at geologic (Earth's) features that are underwater. The oceans cover more than 70% of Earth, and water obscures a wealth of facts about the rocks and sediments (debris of rock, sand, and different material) in the ocean basins. Marine geologists depend especially on bodily techniques to uncover the functions and approaches of the seafloor. Geophysicists are scientists who observe the bodily homes of the solid Earth, and regularly paint carefully with marine geologists. Geophysicists use experiments and observations to decide how Earth substances together with rock, magma (molten rock),...