The True Story Behind "Fool's Gold"-Pyrite

The True Story Behind "Fool's Gold"-Pyrite “Fool’s Gold” is technically referred to as pyrite or iron sulfide (FeS2) and is one of the maximum not unusual sulfide minerals. Sulfide minerals are a set of inorganic compounds containing sulfur and one or more elements. Minerals are defined through the manner of their chemistry and crystalline shape. Minerals which have the equal chemical composition however distinct crystal systems are known as polymorphs. Pyrite and marcasite, for instance, are polymorphs due to the fact they'll be both iron sulfide, but each has a amazing structure. Minerals also can have the identical crystalline structure however specific elemental compositions, but it’s the crystal shape that determines the mineral’s bodily traits. In addition to pyrite, commonplace sulfides are chalcopyrite (copper iron sulfide), pentlandite (nickel iron sulfide), and galena (lead sulfide). The sulfide beauty additionally consists of th...